Theory and practice exams of the pilot course

MoMeNT (Mongolian Mental health Nurse Training) project - pilot course exams


Piloting the 6-month training is one of the main activities of the MoMeNT project.  

The 24 pilot students were selected through the application and interview processes by project lead Fiona Nolan, Dean of School of Nursing, Mongolian National University of Medical Science, and project coordinator in Mongolia, Batzaya Batjargal from over 40 applications in Nov 2019. After these two steps of the selection process, those 24 students were approved by the president of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS) to enroll in the course as MNUMS students. They were given student ID numbers, ID cards, and domain email addresses to get access to the e-learning system.  

The pilot course started on Jan 04, 2021, due to the outreach of COVID-19. Since then, our pilot students have been taking part in the online course actively even they were under a huge workload due to the pandemic. 

The lectures and seminars were conducted on 04, Jan - 15, May, and the practice sessions were held on 13, Sep-03, Oct 2021. 

Students have presented what they have learned from this pilot course, and what they have implemented from their lessons learned. 

Also, the pilot students expressed their opinions on the differences between previously existing post-graduate training.


After this 11-month journey, 15 pilot students are ready to graduate.